how to survive your first year of college


对于全美的大学生来说,第一年是他们的成人礼. As many graduates will tell you, 适应大学生活是他们成年后的第一个决定性经历.

Like many life-changing experiences, 开始你的高等教育之旅可能会导致自我怀疑的感觉. 起初,由此产生的焦虑可能会让人觉得大学并不像人们吹嘘的那样好.

那么,你该如何消除这些疑虑,创造一个欣欣向荣的大学生活呢? At University of Bridgeport, we have your back. 以下是我们对新大学生适应生活的最好建议.

Be sure to show up

For students beginning their higher education, 大学生活的独立和自由会给你带来难以置信的力量. But it’s not just a line from an old Spiderman flick — great power really does come with great responsibility.

而你不会和超级恶棍战斗,也不会在校园里撒网, 你仍然要应付一套新的——有时是令人生畏的——自由和责任. It can be easy to shut down under pressure or, alternatively, take too much advantage of your newfound independence. Some mornings, 当你醒来时,你可能会怀疑是否有人会注意到你是否按下了贪睡键,跳过了早上10点的睡眠.m. Psychology lecture.

这种想法可能会变成一个滑坡——给你的学业带来潜在的风险, social, and mental health. If you find your attendance sliding, 记住你当初选择上大学的原因,抓住自己. Aside from building your knowledge, your classes provide the sense of structure you need to thrive. Furthermore, your time in class creates opportunities to make friends, connect with professors, and immerse yourself in your college community.

学生生存101:如果你发现自己在努力满足大学课程的严格要求, 别担心,正规的网赌平台是来帮助你成功的. At the Heckman Center, you’ll find the support you need through academic advising, tutoring, and other student-centered services.

Make an effort to make friends

表现不仅仅是去上课——通过参加活动, joining clubs, and pursuing plans with your peers, you keep yourself at the center of the action. In addition to opening doors to new friendships, 参与校园活动可以为你的大学生活提供额外的结构, introduce you to leadership opportunities, and expose you to thought-provoking experiences and ideas.

我们知道熟悉校园里的新面孔可能会让你感到害怕,但请记住:你的大多数同龄人都感到焦虑, too. 参与其中并将自己置身其中并不是一个放之四海而皆准的过程. 也许你还没有准备好加入一个俱乐部,但请保持开放的心态——像在食堂花时间这样简单的活动可能会让你邂逅并发展成友谊.

Student Survival 101: At UB, #UBelong! With 60+ clubs and organizations, 16 Division II sports teams, and on-campus events 每个学期,正规的网赌平台都有适合每个人的东西. 在布法罗大学追求你的激情——在这个过程中你一定会交到朋友!


Growing pains are natural in every phase of our lives. 适应新的期望会让人感到困惑和疲惫——让人产生冒名顶替综合症, stress, anxiety, and more.
有时候,你能做的最好的事情就是练习彻底的自我接纳. 不要评判自己——爱你自己,爱你正在走的路. After all, college is a time of transition, during which you discover what genuinely drives, fascinates, and motivates you. 当你接受这样一个事实:没有一点自我怀疑,任何旅程都无法开始, 你可以把自己从消极情绪中抽离出来,转而专注于制定适应新环境的策略.

我们知道拥抱这段旅程说起来容易做起来难. 如果你正在努力应对即将到来的所有变化,那就锻炼你最好的自我辩护. By seeking help through counseling or other support services, you can connect with experts who can help you find your footing, regain your focus, and reclaim your college experience.

学生生存101:UB让你的心理健康优先考虑. Find the support you need through our comprehensive Counseling Services, Fresh Check Day, and other wellness-based events.

Broaden your horizons with new experiences

有时候,我们会在意想不到的地方找到最大的灵感. 高等教育为踏上自我探索和发现的深刻旅程提供了绝佳的机会.
If you’re feeling intimidated, put yourself out there. Be sure not to shy away from the classes这些活动和经历可能超出了你的舒适区. If it excites you, give it the old college try. You may even create some of your most treasured memories.

Moreover, 大学期间出现的许多机会永远不会比你在本科时更容易获得. 当你沉浸在一份全职工作中时,加入一个舞蹈队要困难得多, 所以不要等待你感兴趣的东西——把你的名字添加到注册列表中, lace up those shoes, and put yourself out there!

Student Survival 101: With , 紫骑士有无限的机会去探索新的兴趣和想法. Not sure what your passion is? Consider declaring an . 虽然在没有具体的学习计划的情况下开始你的学习之旅可能会令人生畏, Undecided is one of the best majors you can choose. 你可以自由地投入任何让你兴奋的事情——帮助你发现你真正的激情所在.

Don’t make a habit of hometown visits

Whether it’s home-cooked meals, your high school friends, or the sibling you could have sworn was annoying, 作为第一次上大学的学生,你可能会想念家里的一些舒适. If you have a car, a reliable ride, or live relatively close to campus, you may feel tempted to make every weekend a getaway.

而各个层次的大学生偶尔也会想家, 在你适应第一学期的时候,这个障碍通常是最重要的. 虽然偶尔回家是一种健康的应对策略,但尽量不要让它成为一种习惯. If you begin spending every weekend in your hometown, your struggle to adjust to college will only increase; you’ll miss exciting on-campus opportunities, strain your growing social relationships, and struggle to settle into a healthy routine.

幸运的是,你可以利用不同的策略来驾驭这些感觉. 带一些你最喜欢的东西到学校可以帮助缓解你的焦虑. Whether it’s your record collection, a family recipe book, or a favorite stuffed animal, 当你带着一点家的东西去校园时,你会感觉更自在. 你也可以安排与朋友和家人的定期电话、电子邮件和视频聊天. By doing so, 你会和你爱的人保持紧密的联系,而不会削弱你建立新的有意义的关系的能力.

At UB, #UBelong!

UB proudly embraces the students who call us their home. Your hard work, determination, and commitment to success brought you to our doors, and we believe you deserve the best college journey possible! With a diverse and eclectic campus culture, comprehensive support services, and career-focused programs of study, 我们致力于帮助您实现终身的个人和职业成功.

Learn more about becoming a Purple Knight today!