High Paying Jobs with a Doctorate in Education

5 High-Paying Jobs with an Ed.D. Degree

教育专业人士通常会选择攻读教育博士学位,简称Ed. D. 计划,推进他们的事业,实现个人和职业目标,赚更多的钱. Ed.D. 学位对求职者来说尤其有利 become leaders in their schools,学区,以及整个教育领域.

Plus, with an average of about 857,600 job openings 在教育指导和图书馆职业预测每年, 现在是申请并获得高薪工作的最佳时机.D. 下面,我们将讨论一下学生们对Ed的期望.D. degree and the many high-paying jobs with an Ed.D. degree they can achieve.

What is a Doctorate in Education program (Ed.D. program)?

A Doctorate in Education (Ed.D. degree) 是一个为毕业生在K-12和高等教育中担任学术和行政领导角色做准备的终极学位. 这些正规的网赌平台的学生获得了成为领导者所需的技能和经验, policymakers, and researchers in the field of education.

教育学博士课程提供教育领导方面的课程, research and analysis, international education, and dissertations.

Common Ed.D. courses include:

  • Action Research
  • Comparative Education
  • Constitutional Law
  • Dissertation Proposals
  • Education Leadership
  • Intro to Research
  • Literature Review
  • Organization Management
  • Postsecondary Teaching or Leadership Experience
  • Public School Finance
  • Urban Leadership
  • Workshop in Curriculum Development

Ed.D. programs 往往也能让学生专注于不同的领域, including higher education leadership, PK/K-12 educational administration, early childhood education, curriculum and instruction, special education, and more.

这些课程的毕业生利用现有的研究来帮助改进教育领域的实践并开发新的研究. Thus, 很明显,拥有教育学博士学位的高薪工作存在于各种专业环境中,远远超出了传统的学术角色.

Five high-paying jobs with a Doctorate in Education


求职者也可以高枕无忧,因为很多高薪工作都有学历.D. K-12学校教育领导职位的学位, colleges, and universities, as well as roles in government agencies, non-profit organizations, and corporate training departments.

1. School Principal

Elementary, middle, and high school principals oversee 学校的一切运作,包括学校的日常活动. They organize curriculums, manage staff, 为学生提供安全高效的学习环境.

Earning an Ed.D. degree is a great way to reach one’s goal of becoming a school principal在美国,许多课程都为学生提供了通往职业发展道路 092 certification担任行政职务通常需要一个证书.

For example, at University of Bridgeport, our Ed.D. 该正规的网赌平台为希望走这条路的学生提供了两种不同的途径. 一个是66学分的课程,可以获得092认证和Ed认证.D.另一个是42学分的课程,学生通过a Sixth-Year Degree program.

小学、初中和高中的校长可以期望挣到100万美元 median annual salary of $103,460在美国,收入最高的10%的人收入超过163,010美元.

2. Postsecondary professor

拥有硕士学位的候选人只能走这么远 elementary and secondary education. However, by earning an Ed.D. degree, candidates open themselves up to more opportunities, such as university and college professors. With a doctorate in Education, 教师有资格在高等教育机构工作,并在他们的领域进行研究.

教授的薪水取决于他们的经验水平,以及他们是否在终身教职的轨道上. In general, 教授级别可以细分如下:讲师, lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, and full professor. 教授的平均年薪随着他们在这条道路上的进步而增加.

But generally, postsecondary teachers make a median annual salary 年收入为84,380美元,收入最高的10%的人收入超过182,710美元.



Is a career in Educational Leadership in your future? Learn more about University of Bridgeport’s Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, here!



3. Academic Dean


  • Direct fundraising efforts
  • Manage departmental budgets
  • Manage faculty and administrative staff
  • Set academic goals
  • 与招生办公室合作,吸引新的学生来学校

These professionals work 在特定的学术部门或行政部门,如招生, student affairs, or alumni outreach.

学术院长属于高等教育行政人员类别,获得a median annual salary 102,610美元,收入最高的10%的人收入超过209,870美元.

4. Training and development managers


这些人为组织的员工设计和指导知识提升计划. They are also responsible for:

  • Aligning training with the organization’s goals
  • 为培训正规的网赌平台创建或选择课程内容和材料
  • Evaluating employees’ training needs
  • 评估培训正规的网赌平台和讲师的有效性

培训和发展经理的平均年薪为125美元,040, with the highest ten percent earning more than $220,060.

5. Education Consultant

教育顾问这一职业非常适合有教育文凭的人.D. degree and a passion for improving student learning. Education consultants advise teachers, families, school administrators, 和学校董事会讨论在课堂上实施的最佳教育技术和实践.

这就是为什么他们需要了解如何创建课程, how to conduct research, 以及如何理解和识别学校或学校系统中的问题所在. Thankfully, 所有这些知识和经验都是由教育博士课程提供的,这使它成为一个非常有价值的学位.

教育顾问还可以与政府官员合作制定教育政策或为私人咨询公司工作, school systems, and even as independent contractors.

Take the next step toward high-paying jobs with an Ed.D. degree at University of Bridgeport

No matter which career path you choose, an exciting, fulfilling, and high-paying career is possible with an Ed.D. 像正规的网赌平台那样的学位课程. Our program offers three different tracks 为希望获得教育领导力博士学位的学生准备的.

此外,根据不同的课程,学生可以完成他们的教育课程.D. degree in three to four years. Plus, many colleges and universities offer in-person, online, 和混合的程序格式,以适应学生的需求和时间表.

是时候迈出下一步,获得教育学学位,获得高薪工作了.D. degree by enrolling in a Doctorate in Education program.


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